Tattoo Designs & Symbols

In the interests of research and as an ongoing barometer of popular culture we have decided to provide you with a weekly update of the Top Ten Weekly Tattoo Designs Search.

You can access the archived weekly lists on this page.

The Top 10 Tattoo Designs, based on site searches ending 2/3/06.

1. Angel/Angels - From a perch a number four last week, to the most requested single tattoo design. Angelic tattoo designs tumbled from their perch at the number two on the chart last week. A tattoo design with strong religious connotations that speaks of faith and a design often used in Memorial tattoos.

2. Tribal - Slipped a spot from number one to two, but would have remained at number one had we chosen to include Maori tattoo design requests in this category. We chose not to! Still at the top of the charts, where tribal tattoos have lingered since we began this survey at the beginning of the year. Tribal tattoo design searches were far and away the most popular this week. A perennial favorite, tribal tattoos are a widely popular tattoo genre with many influences and sub-genres. Bold graphic designs done predominately in blacks & grey, heavily influenced by traditional tattooing in Southeast Asia and the South Pacific.

3. Star/Stars - Down one spot from last week. Stars have been at the top of the charts for a while now... A heavenly position to be in. Celestial objects, such as the Sun, the Moon and the Stars are very popular. Stars are often symbols of guidance, a reference to their use in navigation. The Nautical Star is a star design that has taken off in popularity on it's own, heavily featured in Old School and Nautical Tattooing. The Nautical Star is popular with both men and women and interestingly, several widely diverse sub-culture groups have seized upon the Nautical Star as a symbol of inclusion, from sailors and marines to lesbians.

4. Dragon - This fire-breather has shot onto the charts yet again this week. a dragon is a classic tattoo design that shows the influence of Japanese and Chinese culture in western tattooing. This design is popular with both men and women. A dragon is wondrous monster, often thought of as a giant winged, fire breathing lizard or snake. The word is derived from the French and Latin form of the Greek, drakwu, connected with derkomai "see," and interpreted as "sharp-sighted." The equivalent English word "drake" or "fire-drake" is derived from Anglo-Saxon draca.

5. Cross - Cross tattoo searches advanced two spots this week, to number five from number seven. Cross tattoo designs encompass many different styles, from simple crosses, to much more elaborate Celtic crosses and Maltese crosses. Many cultures have their own stylistic interpretations of the symbol of the cross.

6. Angel wings - Different enough to warrant their own spot in the Top Ten Tattoo Design Picks this week. For a fabulous example, see Justice Howard's amazing photo example in the Tattoo Tribe Tattoo Photo of the Month Contest. And for symbolism, see Angel/Angels at numero uno.

6. Butterfly - The butterfly continues to stay in the Top Ten, swooping up from number the number ten spot to a tie at number six. The butterfly for the past few years has been far and away the most popular specific tattoo design request. Its perennial high ranking shows the increasing influence that women have in tattoo culture, as butterfly designs are an overwhelmingly feminine tattoo choice. We may be reaching a point in popular mainstream culture where for the first time more women than men are getting tattooed.

7. Aries tattoo - Must be that time of the month. Hey, it's my birthday! I think I'll get an Aries tattoo! So in keeping with the basic character of those pushy Rams...

8. Maori - ordinarily we include Maori tattoo designs in the tribal category, but it is such a specific request that we thought, Hey, Maori tattooing is due a little richly-deserved time in the spotlight! (tied with Koi at number 8)

8. Koi - Swimming in out of the murky depths, Koi tattoo designs has made an appearance in the Top Ten. Koi, or Carp, are a fixture of Japanese tattooing and play important roles in both Chinese and Japanese myths, legends, fables and stories. In many of those stories, Koi are transformed through their efforts and perseverance, able to climb waterfalls or become dragons. The Koi as a symbol represents perseverance in the face of adversity and strength of character or purpose. The Carp can also represents wisdom, knowledge, longevity, and loyalty.

9. Moon - Same as last week. The Moon is said to represent the feeling nature of the individual. It is used to characterize the inner child within us, as well as the past and how we have been as individuals rather than how we are now.

10. Tiger - Down a spot from last week. The Tiger is a potent symbol across Asia in many cultures and has long been a fixture in indigenous tattooing in India, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, China and Japan. Tigers are associated with power, ferocity, passion and sensuality, beauty and speed, cruelty and wrath. The appearance of a tiger in a dream may signal that new power or passion may awaken within you.

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