Tattoo Designs & Symbols

In the interests of research and as an ongoing barometer of popular culture we have decided to provide you with a weekly update of the Top Ten Weekly Tattoo Designs Search.

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The Top 10 Tattoo Designs, based on site searches ending 2/17/06.

Tribal tattoo symbols1. Tribal - Tribal tattoo designs move up from two to the number one spot this week, bumping Gargoyles - yes, gargoyles, right off the Top Ten list. Tribal tattoos have lingered at the top of the charts since we began this survey at the beginning of the year. Tribal tattoo design searches were far and away the most popular this week, so popular we have separate entries for Native American, Haida and Celtic, all tribal design sub-genres. A perennial favorite, tribal tattoos are a widely popular tattoo genre with many influences and sub-genres. Bold graphic designs done predominately in blacks & grey, heavily influenced by traditional tattooing in Southeast Asia and the South Pacific.

Koi tattoo symbol meanings2. Koi - Swimming in out of the murky depths, Koi tattoo designs has made an appearance in the Top Ten. Koi, or Carp, are a fixture of Japanese tattooing and play important roles in both Chinese and Japanese myths, legends, fables and stories. In many of those stories, Koi are transformed through their efforts and perseverance, able to climb waterfalls or become dragons. The Koi as a symbol represents perseverance in the face of adversity and strength of character or purpose. The Carp can also represents wisdom, knowledge, longevity, and loyalty.

3. Pegasus - The mythological winged horse makes an appearance at number three, the first time on the Top Ten List. Most mythological and winged creatures speak to aspirations for change, transformation and a longing for magic. Pegasus represents, freedom, flight and speed.

Cross tattoos and designs4. Cross - Down a spot to number four this week. For many people, the idea of a tattoo of a cross may well serve to smooth over any negative feedback they are receiving about getting body art. If you're a nice Christian boy or a girl, and you want a tattoo but don't want to be excommunicated by the local Baptists or tossed out the house by Mom and Dad and make Grandma wail, a cross seems like a positive compromise. It testifies to personal faith, shows commitment and is a tough symbol to argue against. The cross may well be an artfully cunning maneuver for the Christian who wants to sport ink and cut off the opposition before they get to the pass! And for the members of the family who bring up the Bible as opposing tattoos, spark a lively, fun-filled family discussion about the scriptures - Leviticus

Sun tatoo designs5. Sun  - The sun is another tattoo design making a Top Ten appearance after a brief vacation. As a tattoo design and symbol, a Sun represents fertility, vitality, passion, courage and eternally renewed youth, light and knowledge. When looking at some of the popular tattoo designs, note the following, in various cultures in the history of man, the Sun was represented by the following; an Eagle, an Eagle with a Serpent, a Winged Serpent (Dragon), a Falcon (Egyptian God Horus), Phoenix, Swan, Lion, Ram, Cock or Bull. The Sun could be further represented by the Heart symbol, A Rosette or Rose, the Lotus, the Sunflower and the Chrysanthemum. An examination of the most popular tattoo designs will show an amazing correlation with the above mentioned symbols.

Wing tattoos6. Angel wings - Down just a spot from last week. Wings as a tattoo design can often have inspirational or spiritual symbolism. Wings associated with angels are spiritual, symbolizing enlightenment, guidance and protection - to be taken under the wing - and inspirational. (tied with Aries at # 6)

6. Aries - This sign of the Zodiac & Ram makes an appearance in the Top Ten

Rose tattoo designs7. Rose - An old tattoo design classic making a Top Ten appearance for the first time this year. The Rose in the West represents what the Lotus does in the East. A symbol of love, but especially of a love that is pure. Because of the roses' beauty, scent and shape, it is the ultimate floral symbol. Of all the flower tattoo designs, the rose is still the most popular and the most requested. Interestingly, the rose is nearly as popular with men as it is with women.

8. Native American - The second time Native American tattoo design searches have cracked the Top Ten. An interesting development. Would normally be tribal. Worth exploring further.

Flower tattoo designs and symbols9. Flowers - Flowers as tattoo designs and symbols can be far more than just pretty pictures on pretty girls. Flowers are the embodiment of nature and concise symbols of the cycle of birth, life, procreation, death and rebirth. Specific flowers have come to represent a myriad of different beliefs in different cultures. In the East, the lotus flower has tremendous spiritual significance, as does the rose in the West. Similarly, the tremendous spectrum of colours present in flowers can have symbolic importance; white for purity, red for passion, or to represent the blood of Christ are but a few examples.

The shape of the flower, it's receptive cup-like form and it's passive role in fertilization, has been long been seen as a symbol of the feminine. (in a three way tie for number 9)

9. Haida - First Top Ten appearance for the art of the Haida people of the Pacific Northwest.

Star tattoos and designs9. Star/Stars - Stars have slid down the charts five spots this week. Down a spot from number three. Stars have been at the top of the charts for a while now... A heavenly position to be in. Celestial objects, such as the Sun, the Moon and the Stars are very popular. Stars are often symbols of guidance, a reference to their use in navigation. The Nautical Star is a star design that has taken off in popularity on it's own, heavily featured in Old School and Nautical Tattooing. The Nautical Star is popular with both men and women and interestingly, several widely diverse sub-culture groups have seized upon the Nautical Star as a symbol of inclusion, from sailors and marines to lesbians.

Butterfly tattoo designs10. Butterfly - Still clinging to the Top Ten. The butterfly continues to stay in the Top Ten, fluttering down from number six. The butterfly for the past few years has been far and away the most popular specific tattoo design request. Its perennial high ranking shows the increasing influence that women have in tattoo culture, as butterfly designs are an overwhelmingly feminine tattoo choice. We may be reaching a point in popular mainstream culture where for the first time more women than men are getting tattooed.

10. Crown - Back in the Top Ten after a brief absence. The crown has long been used as a symbol of royal power and authority. Like the sceptre, the crown is a visible badge of office, granting the wearer, it's possessor, the absolute right to rule. That authority to rule was often held to be divinely inspired.

In the Christian tradition the garland of thorns placed on Christ's head during the ordeal of his crucifixion is know as the "Crown of Thorns". The centerpiece of any coronation of a new monarch is always the moment when the new King, Queen, or Emperor has the state crown placed upon their head. At that moment the power to rule is transferred to the new monarch.

As a tattoo symbol, the crown doesn't just mean the right of one person to command another. It symbolizes and individual's sovereignty over their own life, feelings, thoughts, and actions. The crown symbolizes self-control, and is a reminder to use power and authority wisely and justly.

Angel tattoo meanings10. Angel/Angels - Tumbling down from the top spot last week. Like the cross as a tattoo symbol, an angel is another difficult tattoo symbol for people to take offense at. How do you argue against people expressing their faith and their beliefs in this day and age? See Cross at number three this week. A tattoo design with strong religious connotations that speaks of faith and a design often used in Memorial tattoos.

10. Celtic - Still in the Top Ten. The crown has long been used as a symbol of royal power and authority. Like the sceptre, the crown is a visible badge of office, granting the wearer, it's possessor, the absolute right to rule. That authority to rule was often held to be divinely inspired.

Celtic tattoosIn the Christian tradition the garland of thorns placed on Christ's head during the ordeal of his crucifixion is know as the "Crown of Thorns". The centerpiece of any coronation of a new monarch is always the moment when the new King, Queen, or Emperor has the state crown placed upon their head. At that moment the power to rule is transferred to the new monarch.

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