Tattoo Designs Symbols Title
The Vanishing Tattoo
Crescent Moon

Both the Moon and Star or Stars are among the most popular tattoo designs in the world. But what is the unique significance and symbolism behind a Crescent Moon, accompanied by a Star?

Many, many moons ago, long before the Turks converted to Islam and adopted the crescent moon and star as central emblems for their national flag, the moon and the star were symbols of their shamanistic beliefs. It was also the symbol of the ancient city of Byzantium (Istanbul), which was conquered by Osman, founder of the Ottoman Empire in the 15th century. Osman dreamt of a crescent moon hanging over the entire world, so he kept it as a symbol of his conquest, and as a symbol of the Ottoman dynasty.

As battles between Turks and Christians raged across Europe and beyond, the crescent moon and star were mistakenly attributed to the Islamic faith. However, Islam has historically had no symbol or symbols - in fact there is a disdain within Islam for the use of iconic symbols - and many Muslims find its use blasphemous, even to this day. After all, the moon and star used in conjunction were originally pagan icons. Though the Crescent Moon and a Star appear on the flags of several Muslim countries, it should be seen more as a historical symbol of the land, the territory or the empire, rather than of a state religion.