Tattoo Designs Symbols Title
The Vanishing Tattoo

Like tattoos with spiritual and religious symbolism, military tattoos often have a strong element of the amulet or talisman connected to them. Protection in battle was often a specific requirement of tattoos acquired in many cultures and the tattoo was accompanied with rituals, incantations, and pigment which was believed to have special or magical properties. Tattooing was carried out by Shamans, medicine men, priests and other individuals who were known to have access to special powers. These properties might render an individual invisible or impervious to the weapons of opponents. A tattoo in this instance was meant to act as a shield and a final line of personal defense. This is still a belief in places like Burma, Thailand and other areas.

The US AIR FORCE was the Aeronautical Division of the US Army Signal Corps before it broke away in 1947. Being the new kids in the barracks, pilots don�t have the long tattoo tradition behind them, but that hasn't stopped them from adopting the obvious symbol US Air Force of power and freedom, the bald eagle. National symbol and bird of prey, it represents a pilot's dominion over the wild blue yonder. Wings are a common motif, and especially the P-51 Mustang, if you flew during World War II. Other planes and jets serve like tattoos of lovers, or just fond reminders, along with squadron insignias and unit patches

Below you will find a gallery of inspirational images that will help you in your quest of creating the perfect military tattoo.

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