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The Vanishing Tattoo

The strawberry, besides being as red as a rose, is actually a member of the rose family. Wild strawberries, small, brightly colored and with their intense flavor and smell, were clearly sought after by early hunter-gatherers in Europe and the Americas. Strawberry seeds have been found in Mesolithic sites in Denmark, Neolithic sites in Switzerland, and Iron Age sites in England. In addition to the fruit, the strawberry plant, its leaves in particular, has long been used in folk medicine.

American Indians were already cultivating and eating strawberries when the colonists arrived. The crushed berries were mixed with cornmeal and made into bread. The colonists developed their own version, which we know today as strawberry shortcake.

Today, strawberries, like cherries, are a tattoo design primarily favored by women. A luscious, ripe, bright red strawberry is a symbol of fertility, the feminine ideal, temptation and passion. Pick me, I'm yours!

See also: Flower & Plant Tattoo Index.